
Get position in a leaderboard for a given variable.


$getLeaderboardPosition[Variable type;Variable name;Sort type;(User ID)]


  • Variable type (Type: Enum || Flag: Required): The variable type. Variable types:
  • Variable name (Type: String || Flag: Required): The variable name to generate a leaderboard for.
  • Sort type (Type: Enum || Flag: Required): The sort type. Sort types:
    • asc - Sorts values in ascending order.
    • desc - Sorts values in descending order.
  • User ID: (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Optional): The ID of a user from whom you want to get a position in a leaderboard.


Your position in the leaderboard: $getLeaderboardPosition[user;Coins;desc]
!example Your position in the leaderboard: 2