Commands Anatomy

There are 3 main components to commands, these are: Name, Trigger and Code.

Command Names

Think of this like a note. Command names don’t impact your command at all, but they can help you find commands within the app. You can leave this field empty if you choose.


Command Triggers

What the user types to run the command. Triggers should contain both a prefix (e.g !) and the actual command name (like help). This combines to !help. Do not include any spaces at the end of the trigger. Triggers are case sensitive (unless the premium function: $ignoreTriggerCase is used in the command code). You can use callbacks in this field.


Command Code

The soul of your command. This is what the bot responds when the command is executed, you can use functions like $ping and $message here.





!help !command1 - description...
!command2 - description...