If Statements

In this section, you’ll learn how to use the if statement.


Functions Used > Signs > $if[] > $endif[] > $else > $elseif[] > $and[] > $or[] > Simple Example

Functions Used

Support Functions Used


== - Equal

!= - Not equal

< - Less than

> - Greater than

>= - Greater than or equal to

<= - Less than or equal to

  • These signs could vary in meaning based on the order or intent of the if statement.
  • If you are using text as your x and/or y, you can not use any other signs besides == and !=. However for numbers, you can use any sign shown in the above list.


Executes the following block of code if the provided condition is true.



$if[] uses the format of: if x is related accordingly (based on the “sign”) with y then the code below runs.


  • Condition (Type: String || Flag: Required): Check that will be carried out. Use Signs.


  5 is bigger than $random[0;10]
!example 5 is bigger than 0 !example No answer because $random[0;10] returned that the number are less than 5


Ends an if statement.




  Good work!

With $endif

!example abc Good work!

Without $endif

!example abc $if not closed with $endif


A block of code to be executed, if the $if[] condition is false.




  5 is bigger than $random[0;10]
  5 is less than $random[0;10]
!example 5 is bigger than 0 !example 5 is less than 8


Checks provided condition only if previous $if[] or $elseif[] conditions returned false. If the provided condition is true, the following block of code will be executed.

You can use multiple $elseifs. Only for BDScript 2!




  • Condition (Type: String || Flag: Required): Check that will be carried out. Use Signs.


BDScript 2:

  5 is less than $random[0;10]
  5 equals $random[0;10]

BDScrpt and BDScript Unstable:

  5 is less than $random[0;10]
    5 equals $random[0;10]
!example 5 is less than 6 !example 5 equals 5


Returns true if every provided condition is true, otherwise false is returned.




  • Conditions (Type: String || Flag: Required): Checks that will be carried out. All conditions must be true for this function to return true. Separate conditions using ;. Use Signs.


  Hi developer
  Hi user
!example Update Hi user !example Hi user !example Hi user !example Update Hi developer


Returns true if at least one of the provided conditions is true, otherwise false is returned.




  • Conditions (Type: String || Flag: Required): The condition to check. Separate conditions using ;. Use Signs.


!example Update Hi !example Bye !example Hi !example Update Hi

Simple Example

  1. Create command with !example trigger.

  2. Paste the following code:

      Hi BDFD User!
      Are you Bartek?
      Do you want to get premium?
      I can't find this:(
  3. Execute command !example

!example BDFD Hi BDFD User! !example Bartek Are you Bartek? !example Premium Do you want to get premium? !example Hello I can't find this:(