

📌 As of November 2022, this function has been deprecated in favor of $creationDate[].

📌 Besides user IDs, $userJoinedDiscord[] can also return the creation date of any valid Discord Snowflake ID.

Returns the account creation date of a given user.


$userJoinedDiscord[User ID;(Format)]


  • User ID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Required): The user whose account creation date will be returned.
  • Format (Type: String || Flag: Optional): Customize the default time format output.


  • Default format
!example 2021-01-26
  • Custom format
    $userJoinedDiscord[$authorID;January 2, 2006 at 3:04 PM (MST -07:00)]
!example January 26, 2021 at 10:18 AM (UTC +00:00)