
Allows you to make a server info command without using a bunch of different functions at once. This function returns info about the current server.

⚠️ You can not include $serverInfo[] in a command with a $description[] (because it makes one automatically).




  • Message (Type: String || Flag: Required): The message format. Check below for more information.
  • Thumbnail? (Type: Bool || Flag: Optional): Whether or not to show the server icon as the thumbnail. The default is yes.


You can use the following “subset-functions” within $serverInfo[]:

  • {name} - Returns the server’s name.
  • {region} - Returns the server’s region.
  • {emoji} - Returns the server’s emojis in a list.
  • {owner} - Returns the server owner’s username.
  • {ID} - Returns the server’s ID.
  • {verificationLvl} - Returns the server’s verification level.
  • {large} - Finds out if the server is considered “large”. Returns true or false.


$title[Server Info]
$serverInfo[Server Name: {name}
Region: {region}
Owner: {owner}
Server ID: {ID}
Verify Level: {verificationLvl}
Emojis: {emoji}
Large Server?: {large};no]
