
Replaces ‘Sample’ with ‘New’ from ‘Text’, you can choose how many ‘Sample’ is replaced by inputting ‘Amount’.




  • Text (Type: String || Flag: Emptiable): The text where the bot is searching for the ‘Sample’.
  • Sample (Type: String || Flag: Emptiable): The text to replace with ‘New’.
  • New (Type: String || Flag: Emptiable): The text to replace ‘Sample’ with.
  • Amount (Type: Integer || Flag: Optional): The number of times, at most, the bot should replace the sample. Use -1 to replace all ‘Sample’ in ‘Text’ with ‘New’.


Example #1:

  • Input: $replaceText[Hello World! Hello Earth!;Hello;Hi;1]
  • Output: Hi World! Hello Earth!

Example #2:

  • Input: $replaceText[Hello World! Hello Earth! Hello Dog!;Hello;Hi;-1]
  • Output: Hi World! Hi Earth! Hello Dog!

Example #3:

  • Input: $replaceText[Hello World! Hello Earth! Hello Dog!;Hello;Hi;-1] or $replaceText[Hello World! Hello Earth! Hello Dog!;Hello;Hi]
  • Output: Hi World! Hi Earth! Hi Dog!