Modifies an existing role.
$modifyRole[Role ID;(Role name;Color hex;Hoisted?;Mentionable?)]
🧙♂️ You can use
as an argument to leave the setting as-is.
Role ID
(Type: Snowflake || Flag: Required)
: The ID of the role to modify.Role name
(Type: String || Flag: Optional)
: The new role name.Color hex
(Type: Color || Flag: Optional)
: The new role color.Hoisted?
(Type: Bool || Flag: Optional)
: Whether the role should be displayed separately or not.Mentionable?
(Type: Bool || Flag: Optional)
: Whether the role should be mentionable by everyone or not.
Required permissions that the bot must have for this function to work properly:
$argsCheck[>2;❌ Please provide the needed arguments! Usage: `!role-name (role) (newRoleName)`]
$onlyPerms[manageroles;❌ You are missing the manage_roles permission!]
$description[✅ Changed role name of <@&$findRole[$message[1]]>]