
Edits a channel with the data provided.

🧙‍♂️ You can use !unchanged as an argument for the option to remain in its current state.




  • channelID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Required): The channel the bot will edit.
  • channelName (Type: String || Flag: Vacantable): New channel name.
  • topic (Type: String || Flag: Vacantable): New channel topic/description.
  • NSFW (Type: Bool || Flag: Vacantable): Whether the channel will be marked as NSFW or not.
  • position (Type: Integer || Flag: Vacantable): The new channel position (1 = top).
  • categoryID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Vacantable): The category to which the channel should belong to.

🧙‍♂️ You can use $channelID[category/channelName] to get the ID of a category or channel.


Required permissions that the bot must have for this function to work properly :

  • managechannels


For this example, we will be changing the channel name from ‘general’ to ‘chill-chat’. As well as changing the channel topic to ‘A chill chat!’.

$modifyChannel[$channelID[general];chill-chat;A chill chat!;!unchanged;!unchanged]