
Bans a user using their ID.


$banID[Reason;(User ID)]


  • Reason (Type: String || Flag: Emptiable): The reason for the ban, which will be saved in the audit-log.

    Use $getBanReason[] to get the ban reason.

  • User ID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Vacantable): The user to ban. If empty, the ID will be taken from the last part of the author’s message.


$onlyAdmin[You need the `admim` permission to use that command!]
$argsCheck[>1;Please provide a `user`. Syntax: `!ban (user) <reason>`]
$onlyIf[$findUser[$message[1];no]!=;Failed to find user!]
<@$findUser[$message;no]> was banned!
!example 854665455527526421 Hello! Chilli was banned! Chilli left without pizza.

How $findUser[] works?